While you may be able to snatch up Deadmau5′s childhood home in Niagara Falls, Ontario, it’s a bit less likely that you can afford Avicii’s new Hollywood abode (not that it’s on the market, or anything). Currently making the rounds is a listing for Avicii’s 7000-square-foot home in real-estate publication The Pinnacle List. The $15 million house in the Bird Streets, just above the Sunset Strip, boasts six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a ridiculous view of Los Angeles, and presumably plenty more (just from the pics, we’ve spotted a Chuck Close artwork and what looks like a Juliette Binoche triptych on the walls). Check out some pics of Avicii’s digs below.
How Will This Underwater Nightclub Actually Work?
TechnoMarine has envisioned a nightclub set below the surface of the water. The concept is definitely different, and would be pretty cool. For one you wouldn't have to leave the party to hit the bathroom for a pee break. You could just break the seal like you normally do while at the public pool. We think the dart gun is a little much, and what happens when drunk girl barfs into her helmet...yuck. If this ever comes to be, you know No Cover Nightclubs will have access to the guest lists.