This Clothing Is Never Allowed For Men At Las Vegas Nightclubs
- Shorts
- Sandals
- Work Boots
- Loose Fitting or Baggy Jeans
- Athletic Shoes (see more info on shoes)
- Athletic Attire
- Cutoffs
- Hats (fedoras and stylish headwear can be exceptions)
- Jerseys
- Ed Hardy or Christian Audigier Style Gear

Our Las Vegas Services
What Can Women Wear?
What Can Men Wear?
Guys on the other hand will have to adhere to a more standard set of dress code rules to ensure they don't get left outside the clubs. One important thing to note is that two guys wearing similar attire at the door will commonly be treated with different reactions from door staff. DO NOT take this personal and/or point this out to the hosts or security at the entrance. It will only annoy them and help to guarantee you don't get in. It's just the way Las Vegas works. For example a table customer, celebrity, friend of the doorman, or promoter may walk right in with sneakers, a white t-shirt, and a New Era hat while you may be told to your outfit is not up to the dress code standards of the nightlife establishment and be asked to change.
Can I Wear Jeans?
While it is permitted to wear sunglasses in the club, you will 100% look like a douche, and at No Cover Nightclubs it is highly looked down upon.
Note: Part of your appearance is how intoxicated you are when trying to enter the club. The doormen are trained to spot those who are too drunk and deny them entry.
Simply put, dress to impress and follow our simple advice, and you will have no issues getting into every spot on the strip. If you are looking for Vegas dayclub & pool party dress codes, or Nightswim dress codes we have all the info for those too.