Men have it much tougher when compared to women in regards to the rules for club attire. Each and every club in Las Vegas heavily enforces a dress code and restricted attire for men. Just know that you will want to follow the rules and come dressed to impress when you arrive at the venue because they are strict and turn tons of guys away each night for not meeting the club attire. There is likely nothing worse than getting to the club, waiting in line, and then not getting in with the rest of your group because you are wearing the wrong clothes. For starters let's begin with the restrictions.
Men's Attire That Is Never Allowed
- Athletic Attire
- Hats (fedoras and stylish headwear can be exceptions)
- Cutoffs
- Baggy or Torn Jeans
- Shorts
- Jerseys
- Clothing That Is Torn Or Has Holes
- Sandals
- Work Boots
- Athletic Shoes (see more info on shoes)
Our Free Las Vegas Services
What Types Of Pants?
Are Dress Shoes Required?
What Shirt Do I Need?
Can I Wear Hats?

Now that you know the do's and don'ts for Vegas club attire for men, you will want to know that two men wearing similar outfits will commonly be treated differently by nightclub hosts and security at the entrance. As an example a table customer, promoter, friend of the owner, or celebrity may walk right into the club wearing things that are not allowed, while you will get rejected. Don't waste your time trying to argue with the staff because it won't work. Know that it is just how clubs and Las Vegas operate. Avoid the annoyance and embarrassment and come to the club dressed to impress. Follow our quick tips and you will have no problems getting in. If you are looking for some more info on the dress code with examples, check out our dress code page.