If you are looking for the most over-the-top mega nightclub experience then Omnia Nightclub is your answer. With one of the most dynamic designs in Las Vegas Omnia brings Tuesday nights to another level. You can expect to find superstar headline DJs in the main room and your favorite open-format DJs in the Heart of Omnia room. The decor is unmatched at this venue and it should not be missed. Guest list available.
What Clubs Are Open On Tuesday Night In Las Vegas?
On Tuesdays nights one nightclub runs the show. It is
Omnia Nightclub at Caesars Palace which will have EDM in the main room and open format music in the Heart Room.
How To Attend Tuesday Clubs In Las Vegas?
Why Go To Vegas Clubs On Tuesday Nights?
Tuesday nights still create weekend style parties inside the nightclubs along Las Vegas Blvd. Unlike over the weekend, only certain spots are open during the week. Tuesdays are still top nights for the Vegas locals and industry workers to party, and in essence is their weekend. Clubs will still have big name DJs, over the top production, and the wild antics you have become accustomed to on the weekend. As always No Cover Nightclubs will get you the connect to the top guest lists on Tuesday nights.
See The Best Nightclubs On The Other Days Of The Week